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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Final Fantasy XII - 38 - The Sky Fortress Bahamut

Overview: IF YOU ENTER THE SKY FORTRESS BAHAMUT, YOU CANNOT LEAVE. This isn't like Sin in FF10 where you could leave and go have a coffee and come back whenever. When you enter this area, that's it, you're here till the end of the game, or unless you reload, so I recommend making a secondary save before entering in case you feel you're not high enough level, or you want to get various items before proceeding. Money won't be important anymore, so stock up on Phoenix Downs, Remedies, Ethers, and X-Potions. Also, you should check the Endgame Checklist post to make sure you haven't missed anything you wanted.
     To get there, you need to board your airship from an Aerodrome or anchor point. When you arrive, you'll see that you don't get a main map, much like the Great Crystal. Thankfully though, your mini-map is fine, and the names aren't gibberish.

     Sky Fortress Bahamut/ Antechamber
     Guide: Okay, you have a brief moment here to get yourself organized. Make sure your party is wearing all the best stuff you have. When you're ready, pick either the north or south door marked Bulkhead 3, doesn't matter which.

     Sky Fortress Bahamut/ Periphery
     Enemies: Imperial Swordsman, Gunner, Magus, Hoplite, Judge, War Hound
     Guide: There are four Periphery maps, each one identical, and they're laid out around a central room. While you're in this area, Imperial Soldiers of all kinds, and Judges and War Dogs, will chase you and attack you, much like on the Dreadnought Leviathan. You should be making quick work of them. If they're giving you any sort of trouble, load and get some training in before coming back. You can run around the whole circuit of Periphery rooms and kill and endless supply of Imperials, but they're poor training. To progress, simply enter the central room from any of the Periphery rooms.

     Sky Fortress Bahamut/ Catwalk
     Enemies: Imperial Swordsman, Gunner, Magus, Hoplite, Judge, War Hound, Helm-Rook, Spinner-Rook, Sphere-Rook
     Guide: You might recall from your fight with Doctor Cid that the Rooks here are his creations, and a much more real threat than the Imperials. They like to cast area of effect magic, so try to take them on individually, rather than with a group of Imperials around. Still, like in the Periphery, they are constantly coming after you, so unless you just want to kill a bunch of them, move quickly. Your goal is an elevator in the center of the room. There are three pathways leading to it, spread out like an upside-down peace sign. Find the nearest and head inward and onto the platform.

     Sky Fortress Bahamut/ Central Lift
     Enemies: Gabranth
     Guide: Before you run over and activate the controls, prepare for a boss fight. Protect, Haste, Bravery, the usual. Once you activate the controls, you will watch a small scene, then it's time to fight Gabranth once more.

     Strategy: Begin by Dispelling his buffs. Secondly, if Basch is in your party, Gabranth will focus his attacks on him almost exclusively, and he will have a special scene with him at 50% HP, and after the scene, he will need to be Dispelled again. Protect is a must in this battle, as Gabranth hits hard. He also uses a special attack called Innocence, which hits everyone in the party for a great deal of damage. If you see him preparing to use it, start healing ahead of time if anyone is low on HP. Once he gets down to 25% HP, his defense, attack, speed, and combo rate increase, and he uses Innocence repeatedly. Soon after this begins, I recommend a Quickening Chain. Because there's not a lot going on with statuses or elements, this is a speed and power fight, be quick on healing, and keep your party attacking with Haste and Bravery.

     Guide: After defeating him you will watch a cutscene, then regain control. Another boss fight is coming, so prepare your Gambits. Firstly, you'll be fighting a single enemy who is weak to Oil, so prepare to either cast Oil or inflict is with a Nihopalaoa + Remedy/Handkerchief. You'll want your mage on Foe: Status-Oil = Firaga. If any of your characters are using Guns, I recommend Wyrmfire Shot, and if you're using a Bow, then Burning Arrows help. The Firebrand has too low a damage value to be of much use. As usual, Protect, Haste, Bravery on everyone. Once you're prepared, activate the controls.

     Sky Fortress Bahamut/ Central Shaft
     Enemies: Vayne Solidor
     Guide: When you arrive, there's a cutscene, then the fight begins.

     Strategy: Larsa will be helping out for this battle, but he's not a Guest, he'll simply be in the area attacking Vayne. This means he won't be affected by any Gambits your party has. He's not too great a help, since he's at whatever level he was when he was in your party at Mt. Bur-Omisace, so just focus on Vayne and let Larsa fend for himself. Firstly, make sure you inflict Oil and get your mage into damage dealing mode. Vayne's normal attacks hit for a reasonable amount of damage, so keep Protect up, as he'll only be doing physical damage. For the first 50% of his HP he sticks to standard attacks, at 50% a cutscene plays, and his combo rate jumps significantly. He'll also start using an attack called Mach Wave, which hits for a little under 1000 damage. You'll want to keep an eye on everyone's HP. At 25% he begins using Force of Will, a special attack that does almost 2000 damage to everyone in the area, but it's physical, so just focus on Protecting everyone. He'll be hitting fast and hard at the end, and of course, feel free to use a Quickening when he gets low enough.

     Guide: After defeating him, you'll have another cutscene to watch. Then it's time for round two! Come on, if you've ever played a Final Fantasy game, you knew this was coming.

     Strategy: Vayne Novus has a lot more going on, but you've got Gabranth helping you, and he's a fair bit more useful than Larsa.. First, you have all those Sephira Swords to deal with. They fly around the battlefield, attacking party members and they have a chance to inflict Immobilize. Jackboots can deal with that, and you should set your secondary physical attacker to Foe: Max HP Lowest = Attack. Each one is weak to a certain element, and absorbs another, and if you want you can let your mage deal with them using Foe: (Element) Weak, but since you'll be using an area effect, you'll likely hit multiple ones, and your mage will probably need to focus on healing, so I recommend your secondary physical attacker. Vayne himself won't be using physical attacks, now he'll spend his time using elemental magic, and he changes his elemental weakness with Crimson Vortices, but it's usually not worth keeping track of. Instead, stick to physical attacking for damage, and your mage on healing. While you're dealing with the Sephira Swords, Dispel Vayne and make sure you have Shell up. I wouldn't recommend Reflect, unless you want to do all of your healing with items. Once the swords are dealt with, focus everyone on Vayne. For the first part of the fight he will randomly throw Azure Vortices and Contempt at the party, doing 1500 damage or so to each character. When he reaches 50% HP, a cutscene happens, and all of his buffs return, so Dispel him again after the cutscene. After the cutscene he has three new cinematic attacks he uses: Limit Break, Tree of Sephira, and Inviolable Will. Not only do these damage your whole party for around 2000 damage, but each one increases his stats. When he gets around 30% HP, he might bring up a Magic Paling, so you'll want to turn off any magic damaging Gambits, and he can't be Dispelled after that. I recommend not using a Quickening Chain here, unless you have a lot of MP restoring items to use.

     Guide: After defeating him, it's time for a dramatic cutscene! But wait, it's not over yet. Head to the next area for the Final Boss.

     Sky Fortress Bahamut/ Cannon Superstructure
     Enemies: The Undying
     Guide: Let the Final Battle BEGIN!

     Strategy: The Undying is an intimidating enemy, made more so by the lack of Health bar. You'll have to guess his health based on his actions. To begin, he'll start off using magical attacks, so Shell is your friend here, but try to cast is far away from The Undying. He can cast Piercing Dispelga, and likes to when he senses you buffing. His magic also Pierces Reflect, so don't bother with that either. Keep your HP up and keep on the offensive. Watch out for his Mega-Flare attack, which hits for 3000 damage. Once he gets down to 75% HP, he puts up a Magick Barrier, so he can't be damage with any magical attacks. He'll also use his cinematic attack Ascension, and focus on hitting you with his cannon arm. His cannon is a Gun-type weapon, and it ignores defense. At 50% HP, he puts of Perfect Defense and cannot be harmed. Once it's up, he begins buffing himself, then using Giga-Flare Sword, which does around 5000 damage. Turn off your attacks and focus on healing, and buff when he's not nearby. When his Perfect Defense drops, hit him with everything you've got. Gil Toss 10,001 Gil and you'll do 9999 damage a hit. He'll still be shooting at you and using Giga-Flare Sword. When he gets down to 25% HP, he spends some time healing. Use this time to keep the damage on, so he doesn't gain ground. Once his buffs start to fade and he's down around 15%, he starts using his final cinematic attack, Tera-Flare, which hits for about 4000 damage to each party member. Use those Elixers, Mega-Ethers, X-Potions, whatever. If you have to revive someone, equip a Pheasant Netsuke and if you have all of the Phoenix Down augments, they should be revived with full HP, it's much quicker than Raise, and more effective. When he gets low, he likes to put on a Magick or Physical Paling randomly. If he puts up a physical paling, use Shock, as it's the most powerful Black Magic that doesn't have a pause time, or Motes.

     Guide: Once he's defeated, it's all cutscene from here out. Pause it, make some popcorn. And thanks for using this guide. Hope you enjoyed Final Fantasy XII.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Final Fantasy XII - 47 - The Subterra at Pharos

Overview: To access this area, you must complete all of the story sections of the Pharos at Ridorana. Then, you can return, and take the elevator down to the Subterra Prenumbra. You should be in the 60's at least, with strong weapons and armor, Curaja, Arise, and heavy damage elemental and non-elemental spells. The mini-map and main map are nearly useless in the coming areas, so I recommend using this fine map, again made by the masterful Lucleonhart @ Gamefaqs.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Penumbra - Interior
   Enemies: Bull Abaddon, Abaddon, Mistmare
   Guide: When you arrive, your mini-map will be scrambled, it will be quite dark, and there will be a large swarm of enemies waiting to attack you. They're not overly difficult, but they are persistent. Head south from the lift and enter the first doorway on your right.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Penumbra - South (South West)
   Enemies: Dragon Lich, Reaver, High Reaver, Necrofiend, Nightwalker
   Treasure: In the western of the two side rooms, a chest may contain a Dragon Whisker.
   Guide: Now this is pitch black. In the corner of the main room is a Pedestal of Night. It will tell you that it needs Black Orbs to light the room, but that too many will be a waste. In the side rooms you'll find enemies, and they're difficult because every time you kill one there's a good chance it'll turn into a Necrofiend and you have to kill that before it's really gone. Also, the side rooms don't show up on either the mini-map or main map. Collect Black Orbs and return to the pedestal. This area needs six to 'light the room'. You'll get a message, and the room will still be pretty dark, but that's as good as you can do. When you've lit the room, return to the Interior and head east and enter the next door.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Penumbra - South (South East)
   Enemies: Dragon Lich, Necrofiend
   Guide: Sadly, it's easy to run out of Black Orbs here, but thankfully the Pedestal of Night here only needs 3 Black Orbs. Somewhere on this level is a place where ignored Black Orbs go, it has a random chance of spawning in any of the four side areas. If you run out of Black Orbs, check it, as it triples the number of orbs you've ignored. If you can't light this room right now, you'll have to come back. Head back to the interior, then north to the next door.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Penumbra - North (North East)
   Enemies: Bune, Nightwalker, Necrofiend
   Guide: The Pedestal here requires a massive 18 Black Orbs to light. I suggest you just let the Black Orbs fly off to the collection Orb, multiply, and find them later. The side room to the east has a Fool's Facade on the northern face that lets you reach a number of new areas. However, be careful, at the western end of this area is an Ancient Door that leads to a boss battle. You should definitely fight it, just don't go in unprepared.

   Strategy: This is going to sound like a funny question, but do you still have those Eskir Berries? I know you probably used them on the Garuda back at the Tomb of Raithwall, but if, by chance, you didn't, guess what? They effect the Phoenix here in the same manner, lowering its attack and combo chance. Also, make sure to Steal, all of the items you get are useful. The Phoenix can shift his elemental weaknesses, so stick to non-elemental weapons and spells. Shock and Scathe work well. Or, you can Nihopalaoa + Remedy/Handkerchief it and stick to Firaga and Ardor. When he gets down to about 15% health his defense jumps significantly.

   Guide: You can head over to the North Western area from here, but I recommend heading back out to the Interior and entering it from there.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Penumbra - North (North West)
   Enemies: Bune, Magick Pot, Necrofiend
   Treasure: A chest in the western end of this area may contain a Holy Rod.
   Guide: Watch out for the Magick Pots. If you've played other Final Fantasies, you probably know that they're a pain in the ass that's rarely worth the trouble. Also, the Pedestal of Night here needs 9 Black Orbs.

   Guide: Once you've lit all the rooms and defeated the Phoenix, you should take the elevator down to the next level: Umbra.

Pharos - Subterra/ Umbra - Interior
   Enemies: Mistmare, Dead Bones
   Guide: Much like the Penumbra, you have four entrances evenly spaced around the Interior ring, all of which need lighting. However, it's going to take many more Orbs than the first level. I would recommend picking none of them up, and making use of the massive Black Orb that will appear somewhere on this level. Use Lucleonhart's map to see where the Black Orbs may collect. You can do the rooms in whatever order you desire but I will list them going clockwise from the elevator.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Umbra - North (North West)
   Enemies: Dead Bones, Dragon Lich, Necrofiend, Nightwalker
   Treasure: In a chest in the north/central side room, you may find a Nihopalaoa.
   Guide: The Pedestal of Night here requires 9 Black Orbs to light.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Umbra - North (North East)
   Enemies: Dead Bones, Necrofiend, Dragon Lich, Nightwalker
   Treasure: A chest near the first door may contain a Venetian Shield, and a chest in the easternmost room may contain an Ultima Blade.
   Guide: The Pedestal of Night here requires 15 Black Orbs to light.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Umbra - South (South East)
   Enemies: Dead Bones, Magick Pot, Necrofiend, Nightwalker, Luxollid (Trophy Game)
   Treasure: In the eastern side areas, a chest may contain a Save the Queen. In the southern side areas, a chest may contain a Fomalhaut.
   Guide: The Pedestal of Night here requires 15 Black Orbs to light. Be careful around the Magick Pot in this area.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Umbra - South (South West)
   Enemies: Dead Bones, Dragon Lich, Necrofiend, Nightwalker
   Treasure: In a southern side room, a chest may contain a Morning Star.
   Guide: The Pedestal of Night here requires 18 Black Orbs to light. There's a Fool's Facade in the southern side area. If you look at the helpful map, you'll see a circular chamber connected to these side areas, it has a couple of Dragon Liches inside.

   Guide: Once all the rooms have been lit, you can take the elevator down to the next level: Abyssal.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Abyssal - Interior
   Enemies: Dead Bones, Zombie Warlock, Necrofiend
   Guide: The Zombie Warlocks are particularly difficult, but you knew it was just going to get harder. As with the above levels, you need to lit the side rooms to reach a final level, and you can do them in any order, but I'll be listing them clockwise starting from the elevator. Once again, the needed number of orbs has increased, so you must rely on the massive collection orbs.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Abyssal - North (North West)
   Enemies: Magick Pot, Zombie Warlock, Necrofiend, Nightwalker
   Treasure: In the southwest corner a chest may contain a Crown of Laurels, and in the northeast corner, a chest may contain a Ribbon.
   Guide: The Pedestal of Night here requires 21 Black Orbs. The side areas here are rather extensive.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Abyssal - North (North East)
   Enemies: Magick Pot, Zombie Warlock, Necrofiend, Nightwalker, Vagrant Soul (Trophy Game)
   Treasure: In the northern side area, behind a Fool's Facade, is a chest that may contain a set of Lordly Robes.
   Guide: The Pedestal of Night here requires 15 Black Orbs to light.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Abyssal - South (South East)
   Enemies: Zombie Warlock, Necrofiend, Magick Pot, Dragon Lich, Nightwalker
   Treasure: In the northeastern side area, a chest may contain a Dueling Mask. In the southwestern side area, a chest may contain a White Mask. In the large circular room, a chest may contain a Black Mask.
   Guide: The Pedestal of Night here requires 27 Black Orbs to light. There are two Magick Pots here, so beware. And, a good number of Dragon Liches, who like to Dispelga.

 Pharos - Subterra/ Abyssal - South (South West)
   Enemies: Zombie Warlock, Necrofiend, Nightwalker
   Treasure: In the western side areas, a chest may contain a Circlet, and in the southern side areas, a chest may contain a Deathbringer.
   Guide: The Pedestal of Night here requires 12 Black Orbs to light.

   Guide: Once all the rooms are lit, you will have access to a level on the elevator called 'Unknown', but only if you've accepted The Seer Hunt. A word of warning though, once you go down, you must fight The Seer, and afterwards you can never return to that area. For a complete strategy for The Seer, look for it under the Elite Marks Post.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Final Fantasy XII - Resource - Sky Pirate's Den

Overview: This feature, found in the Clan Primer, is much like the Trophies and Achievements of newer games, but also similar to the Titles that could be won in Vagrant Story. While this might all strike you as useless, completion of the Sky Pirate's Den is needed to reach the highest Clan Rank.
Essentially, you receive a figure in the Den after fulfilling some requirement, however you won't be told ahead of time what the requirements are. I have put them into an image because my intention is to make a spoiler-free guide, and many of these reveal late-game bosses, Hunts, etc.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Final Fantasy XII - Resource - Technicks

Overview: Unlike Spells, where almost every Spell has a use in some situation, a large number of Technicks are absolutely useless. However, most of the useful ones have no replacement, and perform actions you can't perform any other way. To this end, I've listed on the graph below not only a description of the Technick, but whether I think it has any usefulness. I should also mention that, like Spells, Technicks become available over time, but unlike Spells they require no MP. Each Technick has its own License.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Final Fantasy XII - 48 - The Dalmasca Westersand

Overview: The only time the game makes you come to the Westersand is right after Bhujerba, the Strahl flies you to The Western Divide to begin your journey across the Sandsea towards Raithwall's Tomb. It's accessible from the beginning of the game, but the monsters are too high a level until after Barheim Passage usually. I will walk through it starting from Rabanastre, heading towards the Ogir-Yensa.

Dalmasca Westersand/ Galtea Downs
Enemies: Wolf, Cactoid, Cactite
Guide: If you've done any Hunts, you probably came here to fight Thextera. Also, you can reach a detached section of Shimmering Horizons by exiting to the south. Due west is the Midfault, and north is the Corridor of Sands

Dalmasca Westersand/ Corridor of Sand
Enemies: Wolf, Cockatrice, Urstrix, Dive Talon, Dustia (Rare Game), Kaiser Wolf (Trophy Game)
Guide: This twisty area can get you to the Wyrm's Nest, an important area for the Earth Tyrant Sidequest, and the Dustia here can be used early in the game to get massive amounts of EXP, LP, and rare items.

Dalmasca Westersand/ Wyrm's Nest
Enemies: Earth Tyrant
Guide: The powerful sandstorm here cannot be traversed until the Earth Tyrant Sidequest has been taken up. After you can access the whole area, you can fight the Earth Tyrant, and quickly travel over to the Eastersand through here.

Dalmasca Westersand/ The Midfault
Enemies: Urstrix, Wolf, Alpha Wolf, Sleipnir, Dive Talon, Gnoma Entite (During Sandstorm), Fideliant (Rare Game)
Guide: This is a helpful crossroads area, and helpful if you're hunting Entites, as Gnoma Entites are the weakest Entites, and easy access to Feystones, useful for making the Tournesol. West from here is the Windtrace Dunes, south takes you to the Shimmering Horizons.

Dalmasca Westersand/ Shimmering Horizons
Enemies: Wolf, Urstrix, Dive Talon, Sleipnir, Gnoma Entite (During Sandstorm), Lindbur Wolf (Rare Game)
Guide: This map has the earliest access to Zertinan Caverns, a dangerous place below level 35, and Entites here can be a big problem. You can also reach the Giza Plains from here, and a detached segment of Windtrace Dunes lies beyond the northwest exit. The Lindbur Wolf Rare Game only appears on the detached portion of this map, reached through the Galtea Downs.

Dalmasca Westersand/ Windtrace Dunes
Enemies: Wolf, Alraune, Dive Talon, Sleipnir
Guide: The tail end of the Westersand, you begin to encounter Sandsea enemies here, namely the Alraune. Further west is the final map in the area. The detached portion here can be reached from the Shimmering Horizons.

Dalmasca Westersand/ The Western Divide
Guide: A welcome Teleport Crystal here, a merchant, and access to the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. You come here after Bhujerba, however, late in the game the merchant here begins selling new items.

Final Fantasy XII - 46 - The Cerobi Steppe

Overview: This is a huge area, like Phon Coast and the Tchita Uplands, with a wide range of enemies. You can reach this area early in the game, by renting a Chocobo from Gurdy at the Hunter's Camp on Phon Coast, riding it clear across the Tchita Uplands to the Shaded Path, talking to the hunter there, then entering. I'll be describing the area starting from the Port of Balfonheim and moving north. You can purchase a map of the area from the moogle in Sea Breeze Lane in Balfonheim. Most of the chests in this area contain gil.

Cerobi Steppe/ South Liavell Hills
Enemies: Bandercoeurl, Bellwyvern
Guide: Both north exits lead to the same area, you can find a great deal of Bandercoeurl here, useful for chaining.

Cerobi Steppe/ North Liavell Hills
Enemies: Silver Lobo, Charybterix, Shield Wyrm, Bandercoeurl, Undin Entite (When Raining)
Guide: Big mix of enemies here, and a good place to hunt down Shield Wyrms for Wyrm Livers. You can also find some of the famous Windmills here.

Cerobi Steppe/ Feddik River
Enemies: Silver Lobo, Adamantitan, Shield Wyrm, Aspidochelon (Trophy Game)
Guide: This area is broken up by two rivers. Near the bridges you can find Adamantitans, useful for a number of things, and Shield Wyrms north of that.

Cerobi Steppe/ The Northsward
Enemies: Silver Lobo, Bellwyvern, Etherian (Rare Game)
Guide: This is an important area, because here you hunt the Vyraal, and here at Windmill No. 10, you can exchange the scale from the hunt for a key, all part of the Wyrm Philosopher Sidequest.

Cerobi Steppe/ Crossfield
Enemies: Silver Lobo, Charybterix, Shield Wyrm, Bluesang (Trophy Game)
Guide: As the name implies you can reach a number of areas from this hub, and find a number of windmills here.

Cerobi Steppe/ Old Elanise Road
Enemies: Silver Lobo, Shield Wyrm, Charybterix, Bandercoeurl
Guide: The far northern exit of this area leads to the Tchita Uplands, and in the middle are a great deal of Charybterix, so ranged weapons might be the way to go on this map.

Cerobi Steppe/ Journey's Rest
Guide: A nice rest point to make use of the Save Crystal.

Cerobi Steppe/ The Terraced Bank
Enemies: Bandercoeurl, Shield Wyrm, Charybterix, Undin Entite (When Raining)
Guide: Two windmills here, and Entites during rainy weather.

Final Fantasy XII - 45 - The Necrohol of Nabudis

Overview: This is a tough area, and I wouldn't recommend coming here until you're at least level 50, however, if the appeal of the Zodiac Spear draws you in early, beware. I will begin from the Salikawood entrance, heading to the Nabreus Deadlands. I recommend Foe: ice-weak - Blizzara/Blizzaga to deal with the many Baknamy, and Foe: wind-weak - Aeroga, to deal with the Elvoret, the two most common enemies. There are many undead creatures, so Foe: undead - Curaga is useful, or a Holy Lance or Excalibur. The Oversouls are reaper type monsters that might randomly spawn next to your characters at any point while you're in the Necrohol. You should keep track of how many you kill, because after you kill the sixth Oversoul, the Rare Game Helvinek appears and attacks the party. Helvinek isn't too hard if you're strong enough for the area, but he might show up in the middle of a large battle in progress. Also, the Oversouls love to cast Annul and steal all the MP of a character, so Syphon is crucial here.

Necrohol of Nabudis/ Hall of Efflugent Light
Enemies: Baknamy, Elvoret, Pandora, Oversoul (Random chance), Helvinek (Rare Game)
Guide: The beginning area has a great deal of traps set up, and usually a pack of Baknamy waiting. And even if you only see two or three on your mini-map, many more might be waiting, invisible, and they won't show up on the mini-map until you see them, so don't get swamped. Head west from the entrance, and you'll come to a crossroad. You can explore south, but to reach the next area keep heading west. You'll come to another crossroad with a long, thin hall heading north, take that hall north and enter the small side room. Ah-ha, a clever off-map space. Head south, and look at the completely suspicious chest. If I need to tell you it's a Mimic, you need glasses. It's a Pandora, and this is one of the only places in the game to find them. Look around the room some more. What's this? Yup, you've just found a secret Baknamy Merchant. If you're here before the Pharos at Ridorana, he doesn't appear to have much. However, after Pharos, this guy has Scathe, the most powerful Black Magick Spell in the game, Telekinesis, Maximillian Armor (arguably the best Heavy Armor in the game) Demon Shields that absorb Dark-element damage, Ethers, and other cool stuff. I consider him one of the Four Secret Merchants. The other three? Check the Endgame Checklist to find them. After shopping, head back to the main area and head southwest and around to the southernmost area to find the exit to the next map.

Necrohol of Nabudis/ Cloister of Distant Song
Enemies: Baknamy, Elvoret, Babil, Oversoul (Random Chance), Helvinek (Rare Game)
Treasure: In the northern section of this area, a chest might contain a Defender, or a Dark Matter if opened with the Diamond Armlet.
Guide: You begin in the southern section of this map. You can go east or west, but east will lead you deeper into the Necrohol. The Babil here are weak to Dark, so Darkga is quite effective, and they don't move far from the doorways they guard. Head north down the wide corridor, then a slight jog to the east and you'll find the entrance to the next area. You might also notice a door that's sealed with a slot for a medallion. It's part of the Chaos Esper sidequest.

Necrohol of Nabudis/ Cloister of the Highborn
Enemies: Elvoret, Zombie Warlock, Babil, Oversoul (Random Chance), Helvinek (Rare Game)
Treasure: Okay folks, this is the big one, the Zodiac Spear itself. In the middle of this area, there's a side room coming off the west of the middle corridor that runs to the north. In the side room are 16 chests. When standing in the doorway, the Zodiac Spear is in the chest second from the left. I recommend you leave the others alone unless you have a Diamond Armlet. If you do, then each chest will contain a piece of Dark Matter. Without a Diamond Armlet, each chest will have a Knot of Rust.
Guide: You begin on the western end of this map. Heading east you'll come to an intersection of sorts. To the south is another sealed door dealing with Chaos, to the north is the Zodiac Spear, and continuing east you'll find the corridor to the next area.

Necrohol of Nabudis/ Hall of Ivory Covenant
Enemies: Dark Elemental, Elvoret, Baknamy, Oversoul (Random Chance), Helvinek (Rare Game), Vorres (Trophy Game)
Guide: You begin in the southern end of this area. Heading north, in the middle of the map, is another Chaos door, and sometimes a Dark Elemental will appear nearby, so be careful. Keep heading north and you'll reach the stairwell leading to the next area.

Necrohol of Nabudis/ Hall of Slumbering Might
Enemies: Elvoret, Baknamy, Oversoul (Random Chance), Helvinek (Rare Game)
Guide: This area is usually overflowing with Baknamy, so be careful not to get swamped. Keep Blizzara/Blizzaga handy. If you head northwest through the twisting passages here, you'll reach the exit to the Nabreus Deadlands, and east from that area a few additional rooms. The Nabreus Deadlands are just as hard if not harder at times, than this area, so if you go, go prepared.

Final Fantasy XII - 44 - The Nabreus Deadlands

Overview: Just like the Necrohol, this place is hard, but it has an even wider array of monsters lurking in the mist. Speaking of the mist, during the heavy mist weather here, Leamonde Entites come out to play. There are lots of treasure chests, and lots of foes weak to Holy, so a Holy Lance will do well here. I will be going through the area starting from the Salikawood entrance, heading towards the Necrohol of Nabudis.

Nabreus Deadlands/ Greencrag
Enemies: Baknamy
Guide: Head northwest through here to reach the next area, and keep an eye out for two chests that usually have fangs in them.

Nabreus Deadlands/ The Muted Scarp
Guide: There's a Save Crystal here, and a No Mou who is crucial to the Chaos Sidequest, aside from that, head east down the path to enter the Deadlands proper.

Nabreus Deadlands/ Vale of Lingering Shadow
Enemies: Crusader, Banshee
Guide: First, head to the northwestern corner of this area to find the location map for the Nabreus Deadlands, after that, you have a number of options. You can head north to Hope's Reach, or east to Echoes of the Past. Both connect to the same area, and you should have a look through both.

Nabreus Deadlands/ Echoes of the Past
Enemies: Crusader, Banshee, Emeralditan, Focalor
Guide: Keep an eye on your mini-map, because it's easy to get lost in this huge marsh pit of a map. The fog here can get so thick you won't see traps until you're almost on top of them, and the undead monsters like to pop out of the water and get you. Head north to reach The Slumbermead.

Nabreus Deadlands/ Hope's Reach
Enemies: Baknamy
Guide: So many of the little bastards here. Really this is just a single path with eight or so Baknmay, head east to reach The Slumbermead.

Nabreus Deadlands/ The Slumbermead
Enemies: Crusader, Leamonde Entite (When heavy fog), Emeralditan, Banshee,Foobar, Dead Bones, Focalor, Arioch (Trophy Game)
Treasure: A chest in the northern section of this area may contain a Nishijin Belt.
Guide: This area is broken up into two sections with bridges connecting them. The northern section has a secret exit that's hard to spot at first. If you look at your map, you may notice that it doesn't show you how to get to The Fog Mutters. To reach it, you must find the secret entrance from this map. Head to the northwestern corner of the northern section. You'll see two cliff faces, and between them, an opening that leads to the north, then turns west, and isn't shown on the mini-map. This is the way to get to The Fog Mutters. Also, if this map has heavy fog, watch out for the Entites. You can also exit to the northeast to reach the next area heading towards the Necrohol.

Nabreus Deadlands/ The Fog Mutters
Enemies: Foobar, Dead Bones, Banshee, Velelu (Rare Game)
Guide: Head west through this area and you'll hit a fair number of undead. The little circular area usually has a chest at the northern point, and the western edge of the area has an exit to the next area.

Nabreus Deadlands/ Overlooking Eternity
Enemies: Dead Bones
Guide: This place has a near-limitless supply of Dead Bones, which can be infuriating if you're here to fight the mark Roblon. The shrine marked Ranagullet is part of the Chaos Sidequest.

Nabreus Deadlands/ Succor Midst Sorrow
Enemies: Crystalbug
   Treasure: This is your last chance to get an easy Feystone from a Crystalbug, crucial for the Tournesol. Don't kill it until you steal it.
Guide: This is the third, final, and hardest Crystalbug in the game, and is almost a boss on its own. Its magick ignores Reflect, it cannot be afflicted with any status effect, and take reduced damage from physical and magical attacks. It's a pain, that's for sure. But once it's gone, the real Nabreus Teleport Crystal appears. After healing and saving, head north to the next area.

Nabreus Deadlands/ Lifeless Strand
Enemies: Leynir, Baknamy
Treasure: A chest in the middle island may contain a pair of Gillie Boots.
Guide: There are a lot of little areas with chests here, but to reach the Necrohol, head west till you hit the large island, then north, where you'll find a path that runs east along the entire map. Follow this to the next area.

Nabreus Deadlands/ Field of the Fallen Lord
Enemies: Baknamy, Foobar, Shield Wyrm
Guide: Not too large of an area, just head due east to reach the Necrohol, but watch out for the Shield Wyrm and swarms of Baknamy. Congrats on making it through.

Final Fantasy XII - 43 - Zertinan Caverns

Overview: This is a tough area, even though you can reach it very early in the game. I would hold off on entering the area until you're at least level 35, but 40 or 45 would be more reasonable. I will be talking about the area, starting from the entrance at Ogir-Yensa/ Central Junction, and moving towards the Ozmone Plains entrance.

Zertinan Caverns/ Canopy of Clay
Enemies: Slime, Speartongue
Guide: Entering from the Ogir-Yensa, head south around the bend and through the main area. In the southwestern corner, you can push a rock over to create a path to the Darkened Wharf. You can also reach the detached portion of the Nam-Yensa Sandsea/ Withering Shores from here. For now, head west to the Darkened Wharf.

Zertinan Caverns/ Darkened Whart
Enemies: Buer, Gogimera, Bogey, Slime, Speartongue
Guide: Heading north you can reach the Nam-Yensa Sandsea/ Yellow Sands, but for the moment, head south through this area.

Zertinan Caverns/ Drybeam Cavern
Enemies: Gorgimera, Buer, Skulwyrm, Bogey
Treasure: The northeastern section of this map may contain a chest with a Feathered Cap.
Guide: You can reach a lot of places from here, such as both sections of The Balamka Fruit, or the Athroza Quicksands. Before you enter the Athroza Quicksands though, beware, Adrammelech the Wroth waits there, and his endless supply of Zombies. If you don't feel up to fighting him, don't. But, you can still run through and reach other areas. In fact, Adrammelech is a good source of High Arcana, an item needed for making the Tournesol. So you might want to go in, steal a High Arcana, then leave two maps away and return to steal more. If you are going in for a fight, cast Shell, Protect, Haste, Bubble, Bravery, and Faith on your mage. For a full guide to beating Adrammelech, head over to the Esper post. For now, take the middle of the three eastern exits.

Zertinan Caverns/ The Balamka Fruit
Enemies: Archeoaevis, Gorgimera, Scythe Mantis
Guide: Finally! The location map for this area can be found here, near the eastern end of the area. You might also notice that half of this map is cut off, and can only be reached from other areas. Head back into Drybeam Cavern, and take the northern of the three eastern exits, to reach the northern portion of this area. Up here, you'll find Scythe Mantis, tricky little monsters, and one of the harder normal enemies in the area. Heading further north you can reach the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, and to the east you can reach two portions of the Sandfalls. Head through the lower exit.

Zertinan Caverns/ Sandfalls
Enemies: Buer, Scythe Mantis, Gorgimera
Treasure: A chest in the northeastern section may contain an Iron Hammer.
Guide: As soon as you come out there will be a boulder to knock over, then keep heading east and you'll find another boulder to knock over to create a path to a small isolated area with a chest. Finally, turn south and knock over a third boulder. Now you've got full run of the place. Head northeast to the next map.

Zertinan Caverns/ Invitation to Heresy
Enemies: Slime, Speartongue
Treasure: A chest along the southwestern wall may contain a Barbut.
Guide: If you head northeast through here you can reach the Dalmasca Westersand/ Shimmering Horizon. For the moment though, after exploring, head back into the Sandfalls, then through the southern exit to the next area.

Zertinan Caverns/ Hourglass Basin
Enemies: Buer, Grenade, Molen (Rare Game)
Treasure: The detached segment may have a chest with a Chanter's Djellaba.
Guide: As soon as you enter, knock over the boulder to get access to the area. This is an interesting area. You can exit south from here, and enter the detached portion of The Undershore, where there's a Save Crystal, and an off-map area to the east that can connect back to the detached portion of the Hourglass Basin. To the north, near the entrance you came in, you can reach a small detached portion of the Sandfalls. For now, run through the Athroza Quicksands and take the southern exit to the next area.

Zertinan Caverns/ Athroza Quicksands
Enemies: Adrammelech, Zombie
Guide: If you're here to fight, do so, if not, there are three northern exits and one southern exit. Head south for now.

Zertinan Caverns/ The Undershore
Enemies: Mallicant, Alteci (Trophy Game)
Guide: Tons of Mallicant here, and their constant teleporting can be annoying.Use Aero or Aeroga to take them out quickly.Head south through this area to reach the next.

Zertinan Caverns/ Halls of Ardent Darkness
Enemies: Mallicant, Silicon Tortoise
Treasure: In the eastern end of this area, a chest may contain a Traveler's Vestment.
Guide: There's a Silicon Tortoise just south of the entrance from the Undershore, and beyond that are a number of twisting tunnels full of more Mallicants. Finally, at the southern end of this area, is the exit to the Ozmone Plain. Congrats.

Final Fantasy XII - 41 - The Complete Barheim Passage

Overview: After the completion of the Patient in the Desert Sidequest, you receive a key that allows you to return to the Barheim Passage. However, with the old entryway caved in, you'll have to find a new door. So let's begin there. From the South Bank Village, head south into the Banks of the Nebra Map. In the far, southeastern corner, a small map is located. You might notice as you approach that there are some Tiny Mimics running around. This is your in.

Dalmasca Estersand/ Murmuring Defile
Guide: Here you'll find the recovered patient and her two henchmen, and the alternate entry into Barheim. Use the key to unlock the door and head on in. You'll appear back in the Zeviah Subterrane, and it's much the same as before. I recommend heading north, through the Great Central Passage, and into the North-South Junction. What used to be a Save Crystal, is now a Teleport Crystal, so you can Teleport directly into Barheim. So what's new? Head back into the Great Central Passage and you might notice the huge gate that blocked off the western end of this area is gone, allowing you to head into new areas. There are two new exits, for now, let's take the southern of the two.

Barheim Passage/ Special Op Sector 5
Enemies: Suriander, Adamantitan, Mimeo, Ithuno (Rare Game)
Guide: All of the treasure chests here have gil, but some of the chests may actually the Rare Game Ithuno, from whom you can steal the Deathbringer, a powerful sword with 90 attack. An Ithuno chest will be silver and bright purple, making them easy to spot. If you want the Deathbringer and Ithuno isn't there, head two maps away and return to see if he's spawned.
This area dead-ends, so when you're done, head back to the Great Central Passage and take the northern of the two new exits.

Barheim Passage/ East-West Bypass
Enemies: Bomb, Mimeo, Minibug (Rare Game), Ishteen (Trophy Game)
Treasure: The chest at the far eastern dead-end may contain a Turtleshell Choker, but with a Diamond Armlet, it may contain a Bubble Belt.
Guide: The Bombs here will attack if you cast magick near them, much like an Entite, but much less worrisome. Float can be useful here, as the traps are well placed, and the treasure chest area at the far eastern end almost always has a few Mimeos mixed in, if it's not all Mimeos. Head west to reach the next area.
Barheim Passage/ The Zeviah Span
Enemies: Mimeo, Bomb, Dead Bones
Treasure: A chest near the middle of the bridge may contain a Celebrant's Miter, and a chest to the south of the area may contain a set of Cleric's Robes.
Guide: If you're coming here right after the Tomb of Raithwall, this area can be difficult, and the next is even more difficult. If you cannot make it through here without serious hardship, you may wish to return at a higher level. If you feel comfortable, head on. At the first set of side stair, head east and north, and you'll find the Barheim Candle that will reveal the rest of the areas on the map. Head south and use the side areas when needed, and check the dead-ends for chests, there are lots of them. The final path down is a bit hard to spot, you'll have to use some wreckage rather than a flight of stairs. And, there's a small portion of the map that you have to enter from the next area.

Barheim Passage/ West Annex
Enemies: Dead Bones, Specter
Treasure: A chest in the middle of the area may contain a suit of Dragon Mail, another chest just before the exit to the next area may contain a Kaiser Shield or 20,000 gil, but will never respawn. And, with Diamond Armlet equipped, a chest in the area may contain the Zodiac Escutcheon, but it's a rare chance, and easier to get the item from the Henne Mines later.
Guide: The enemies here just don't stop. As I said above, if you're not a high enough level to handle this area, head back now. The Dead Bones and Specters pop up continuously as you travel through this area. Check the nooks for chests, and use the thin southern path to reach the western end of the area. The exit to the next screen is down the far western tunnel.

Barheim Passage/ Terminus No. 7 Adjunct
Guide: So, a little rest area... before what? The Esper Zalera actually. He's a difficult opponent. For the full guide on how to beat him, head over to the Espers post.

Barheim Passage/ Terminus No. 7
Enemies: Zalera, Dead Bones
Guide: After defeating Zalera, you can head west, and oddly enough there's an entrance to the Garamsythe Waterway here. Very useful go between.

Final Fantasy XII - 40 - The Complete Henne Magicite Mine

Overview: In the Feywood, you'll find a small entrance into a new portion of the Henne Magicite Mines, but it's only part of one map, to truly get at the complete area, you have to fulfill certain requirements. You must A) Complete the Mindflayer Hunt, and have 10 Espers under your command. Then, you can talk to Geomancer Yugelu in Jahara, and he will send a Garif to open the sealed gate in Henne Mines/ Ore Separation. Though the requirement of 10 Espers probably means you're high level, this is one of the hardest areas in the game, and I suggest being level 70 before attempting, but being closer to 80 is more reasonable.

Henne Mines/ Phase 2 Dig
Enemies: Abysteel, Gizamaluk
Treasure: With the Diamond Armlet equipped, you can get very nice treasures in the various chests here, like Ribbons, Brave Suits, and even Zodiac Spears (Though the odds are 1/1000).
Guide: Head east, but keep an eye out for a small off map area on your right as you head down the first passageway. At the far eastern end is an alcove where you can find the Henne Candle to reveal all new areas. As you can see, they're extensive. Head south, into the carved tunnels, then west. In the long, diagonal rough cut tunnel is an off map alcove on your right, when heading west. At the end of the diagonal tunnel, are two southward protrusions. The first leads to a number of off map passages that connect to the southern half of this area. The second is a dead-end, however in the second protrusion is a scrap of paper that leaves clues to where a treasure can be found. More on that later. Near where the off map tunnels drop you on the southern end of the map, is the exit to the next area, heading east.

Henne Mines/ Crossover C
Enemies: Abysteel, Hecteyes, Glaring Eye (Rare Game)
Guide: The first part of this area is disturbingly similar to the first area in the mine, but hey, the game had some serious financial issues towards the end. Head south then west, and watch out for the Hecteyes, they can inflict Confuse. To the east is a gate you can't enter as it's locked from the other side, so west it is. There are some gates along the way, but you'll need to head to the far west, then exit to the south.

Henne Mines/ Pithead Junction C
Enemies: Abysteel
Guide: Okay, by now, you know how these switch rooms work. In this case, when you flip the switch, it's Abysteels that leap out and attack. With 2k damage Leech, it might not be worth hanging around. Ignore the switch for now and run south to the next area.

Henne Mines/ Phase 2 Shaft
Enemies: Abysteel, Hecteyes, Glaring Eye (Rare Game)
Guide: If you head to the southern end of this map, you'll find that blasted mine cart that's blocking you from entering this area from the Feywood (and leaving too). You'll have to wait before it gets moved. For now, head east, past all the Hecteyes, and enter the next area. This pack of enemies can get hairy, so I recommend either running or fighting half of them, running and regrouping, then coming back.

Henne Mines/ Special Charter Shaft
Enemies: Hecteyes, Necrofiend, Etem
Treasure: The chest in the northernmost area can be a Fomalhaut 80% of the time when the Diamond Armlet isn't equipped, and will never respawn. The rest of the chests are also better without the Diamond Armlet, and can contain Ribbons, Lordly Robes, Sage's Rings, and other high level equipment.
Guide: The difficulty here is that almost every enemy you kill becomes a Necrofiend when it dies, essentially forcing you to kill everything twice. Follow the carved tunnel until it ends, then head off map to the rough cut tunnel and head northeast. At the intersection head east, and walk through a passageway full of barely visible Etems. Creepy eh? This area can be extremely difficult if you get mobbed. And it's hard to flee from the battles because the Etem and Necrofiends can teleport after you. About halfway down the long east-west tunnel, you can turn north and head off map to the northern section of this area. Do so, then head due west when you get back on map and you'll head towards the detached western room, where there are usually some chests. Now, halfway between the small detached western room and the rest of the on map area, you can turn north, and you'll reach a tiny sliver of an area, that has the exit to Special Charter Dig. If Yugelu didn't impress upon you the difficulty of what lies ahead, let me remind you that there's no convenient Save Crystal here, and if you enter the next room and die facing what's inside, you'll be stuck doing this all over again. While it may seem tedious, I seriously recommend going back and saving. Even if you can manage this area in the mid-to-high 70's, the boss here is best dealt with in the 80s. Again, you CANNOT ESCAPE THE NEXT ROOM ONCE YOU ENTER, and must either defeat what's inside or die. You make the call.

Henne Mines/ Special Charter Dig
Enemies: Zodiark
Guide: As soon as you enter, the battle begins. For a full strategy for beating Zodiark, check out the Esper post. After he's defeated, the pesky mine cart at the bottom of the Phase 2 Shaft is removed, allowing easy access from and to the Feywood.

Final Fantasy XII - 39 - The Complete Lhusu Mines

Overview: To begin further exploration of the Lhusu Mines, you must accept the Antlion Hunt, and travel to Site 2. There, in the room where you fought Ba'Gamnan and the Rocktoise, you'll find a gate that can be opened with the key the petitioner gave you. Behind which you'll find a couple of Headless, and the exit to Site 3.

Lhusu Mines/ Site 3
Enemies: Headless, Dullahan, Bug, Vampyr, Gazer (Random Chance)
Guide: Just west of the entrance from Site 2 is an intersection. To the west are some chests and usually some Bugs disguised as chests. To the south is an exit back into Site 2, but to the portion you could not previously reach, and to the north are enemies and a few scattered chests. After exploring, head back into the new portion of Site 2.

Lhusu Mines/ Site 2
Enemies: Dullahan, Headless
Guide: From the entrance head south down the stairs, till you reach an east-west passage. If you head east, you can reach an area with a switch that will open a gate, allowing you to freely access this portion of Site 2 without having to enter Site 3. To the west, is the exit to the next area.

Lhusu Mines/ Shunia Twinspan
Enemies: Headless, Bug
Guide: Ah-ha! The second part of that whole twin thing makes more sense now. Head south through here to reach the next area. Sadly, no unlimited skeletons this time.

Lhusu Mines/ Transitway 1
Enemies: Vampyr
Guide: Now you're in a new section of this map, you can head down any of the paths, just head south until you head the main passageway. Here, you'll find a switch to open the huge gate to the east, so you can head straight here from the Oltam Span. Also, there's a mine cart. You can take this back to Shaft Entry for a quick exit. Head west to reach the next area.

Lhusu Mines/ Transitway 2
Guide: Convenient Teleport Crystal here, make use of it so you can quickly return, then head west

Lhusu Mines/ Tasche Span
Guide: No enemies here, unless you're doing a certain Hunt... Head west to reach the next area.

Lhusu Mines/ Site 9
Enemies: Vampyr, Killer Mantis
Treasure: Behind the mine cart in the middle of the area, a chest may contain a Morning Star. And, in the deepest western cave where the Antlion waits, a chest may contain a Fomalhaut, the strongest gun in the game.
Guide: Head south from the entrance, as the north is blocked off at first. The southwestern cavern area is where the Antlion is waiting, if you're here for that hunt. You must complete that hunt to enter the next area. When the hunt is completed, the young boy says he dropped the key down into the ocean. So, where to get it? Head to the Hunter's Camp on the Phon Coast, and look for the Bhujerban that fell from the sky. Talk to him, and he'll say there's a key here somewhere. It's just to the right of him. Once you have the Site 11 key, you can return here and open the door to Site 11 in the cavernous area.

Lhusu Mines/ Site 11
Enemies: Killer Mantis, Vampyr, Malboro
Guide: Follow the passages and head north through this area. You can enter the detached portion of Site 9 from the middle of this area, and open a gate that lets you enter without going around to the south. At the northern end of the map is another switch that lets you open a large gate blocking the way to the next area. Exit to the east.

Lhusu Mines/ Lasche Span
Enemies: Aeronite, Bombshell (Rare Game)
Guide: From here on out the level and difficulty of the monsters jumps significantly. I wouldn't recommend the following areas until you're level 60 or higher. If you feel you're up to the challenge, head on in. The Bombshell that can appear on this map is the only place to get a Yagyu Darkblade, so if you want one, this is where to find it. Also, the Aeronite are weak to Thunder, so use it to take them down. Head southeast to reach the next area.

Lhusu Mines/ Site 5
Enemies: Abysteel, Dark Lord, Gemhorn (Rare Game), Disma (Trophy Game)
Guide: Once you reach this map, you can use the mine cart here to quickly travel between this map and Site 11. Head north from the entrance, then turn east, and at the first intersection, head south, until you reach a dead-end room. Here you'll find the Candle that reveals all of the additional areas. To reach the next area head east through either of the two exits to the next area. Watch out for the monsters here, they're quite challenging, and if you've started the Trophy Rare Game missions, watch out for Disma, an average looking zombie that's probably the hardest Trophy Rare Game, and one of the harder enemies in the whole game.

Lhusu Mines/ Site 6 South
Enemies: Dark Lord, Abysteel, Disma (Trophy Game)
Treasure: A chest in the northeastern section of this map may contain a Maximillian.
Guide: Disma might also show up here, so keep an eye out. Now, if you look at the map, you might see the little map called Site 6 North, but it doesn't show how to enter it. You can head it by heading north from the northernmost intersection, just east of the northern entrance from Site 5. To the south, you can reach another area, which I'll talk about in a moment.

Lhusu Mines/ Site 6 North
Enemies: Pandora
Treasure: A chest in this area has a 50% chance of spawning, but when it does, it will always be an Aegis Shield. Once claimed, it will never respawn.
Guide: This is only place, aside from the Necrohol of Nabudis, where you can find Pandoras, and this area has 5 or 6, instead of the single Pandora in the Necrohol. Useful for getting Cancer Gems and Wrath of the Gods for Grand Bolts.

Lhusu Mines/ Staging Area
Guide: Just a Save Crystal here. If you're on the Hunt for a certain swordsman, then I recommend preparing for an intense fight.

Lhusu Mines/ Site 7
Guide: This place is famous for the battle that takes place here, but I won't spoil it. A fitting cap off to this impressive area.

Final Fantasy XII - 37 - The Pharos at Ridorana - Third Ascent

Overview: 80th Floor. Pretty exciting. Some new enemies coming up, so get ready.

Pharos - Third Ascent/ Spire Ravel - 1st Flight
Enemies: Purobolos, Cataract Aevis, Aeronite, Zombie Warlock, Dead Bones, Necrofiend
Treasure: In the southeastern corner, near the large room with the Cataract Aevis, is a Fool's Facade, behind it is a chest with a Dragon Whisker.
Guide: In the starting area you have a number of options, from reading the pillar you can gather that this is going to be a teleportation heavy area. So which one to pick first? The raised section here has a Black Sigil, a Red Sigil, a Green Sigil, and a Sigil of Sacrifice. Use the Black Sigil first. Head east from where you appear, fight your way past the Purobolos. In the corner you'll find a Cataract Aevis and the Fool's Facade that hides the Dragon Whisker, the second-best spear in the game. Head up to the platform with all of the Sigils and use the White Sigil of Sacrifice to return to the starting area. Now, this isn't exactly the correct sequence, but it has a purpose. Hit the Red Sigil now, and you'll be teleported to a closed area, with the location map for the Third Ascent. However, when you try to leave, you'll notice the door is bound and you'll be besieged by undead. Lots of them. And they keep coming until you receive a message saying the magick binding the door has faded. It's actually a good place to get EXP if you need it.
So, proper sequence time. Head back to the starting Sigils, touch the Black Sigil, then head east across the 81st Floor, through the Fool's Facade with the Dragon Whisker and touch the Green Sigil.

Pharos - Third Ascent/ Heaven's Challenge
Enemies: Aeronite, Purobolos, Cataract Aevis
Treasure: In the large, off map area, near the Sacrifice Sigil Stones, is a chest that contains a Circlet (Best Mystic Armor Headgear in the game) without a Diamond Armlet, with a Diamond Armlet it's 90% likely to have a Ring of Renewel.
Guide: Make sure you cast float, then head down either of the passages and break the Fool's Facade. You'll find another station of Sigils, use the Red one this time. Now you're on a platform with all Sacrifice Sigil Stones. You'll want to use the one that corrisponds to what you gave up during the Second Ascent.
Light Purple-Mini-map
You'll appear back on the map this time, at a crossroads. You can see to the southeast a platform of Sigils, but you don't want any of those. Head north and break through the Fool's Facade there and use the Way Stone at the end of the hall. On the platform you appear on, head up to the elevator. Before you activate it, cast Float on your party, and set your mage to Foe:wind-weak - Aeroga. Then, activate the elevator.
On your way up, you'll be accosted by Hashmal!

Strategy: With Float on, and your mage casting Aeroga, this battle is quick and painless. Float prevents any damage from Quakaja, and Aeroga should be doing almost max damage with each hit. His Roxxor will probably do about a thousand damage, but Bubble should handle it well enough, and his normal attacks might inflict Disease, but with Remedies/Cleanse/Vaccines, you should be fine. Just wail on him while your mage slaughters and the battle will be over quickly, just keep Float active.

Guide: Congrats on getting Hashmal, Bringer of Order. One of the few ways to inflict Earth-element damage in the whole game. Then you'll return to the lift and reach the 90th Floor.

Pharos - Third Ascent/ Empyrean Ravel
Guide: Nothing much to do except climb the stairs here. Halfway through the map you'll get a nice little cutscene, then a Save Crystal I suggest you take advantage of. Finally, use the Way Stone to reach the next area.

Pharos - Third Ascent/ Womb of the Sun-Cryst
Enemies: Judge Gabranth, Dr. Cid, Famfrit
Guide: After an important cutscene, the battle with Gabranth begins.

Strategy: Protect, Haste, and healing are the key to this battle. All of Gabranth's attacks are physical, so Protect is crucial, and Haste will allow you to quickly heal and return damage. Dispel any positive statuses he casts on himself. After a short battle, Gabranth is finished, and another cutscene plays. Afterwards, you have a new battle to fight.

Strategy: Dr. Cid is now your target, and attack him quickly, but he will call out Famfrit at half HP, and when he does, he becomes invincible. You must deal with Famfrit first. Your first goal when dealing with Famfrit is to inflict Oil, which doubles the damage he takes from Fire attacks, and he's already weak to Fire. So if you have a Gungnir or Wyrmfire Shot, equip them, and set your mage to Foe:fire-weak - Firaga. Also, you might want to set your attack Gambits to Foe:highest max HP so that the party doesn't keep attacking Dr. Cid instead of Famfrit. When his health drops, Famfrit will start using Waterja, which does about 1500 - 2000 damage to everyone, however Viking Coats will make anyone wearing them immune. Shell helps, and becomes more useful than Protect while Famfrit is out. If anyone is Silenced by Waterja, have some Echo Herbs or Remedies ready.
When Famfrit falls, Dr. Cid can be hurt once more, so the battle should go quickly. He might try to use some of his cinematic attacks, which do about a thousand damage to everyone in range, but they can be healed through easily. After it's done, cutscene time, and finally you will regain control in Balfonheim.

Final Fantasy XII - 36 - The Pharos at Ridorana - Second Ascent

Overview: Okay, you've hit the 60th Floor. Hopefully your supplies haven't been depleted. This area is a bit different than the lower level.

Pharos - Second Ascent/ The Reach
Guide: This is the first area of the Second Ascent. Though you can't see it at first, there's a Save Crystal in the northwestern section of the circle. So, these four altars? And four doors? What you'll have to do is make a sacrifice and activate one of the altars to open one of the doors. The Altar of Knowledge removes your mini-map, the Altar of Magick seals your Magick Command (Shocking!), the Altar of Steel seals your Attack Command, and the Altar of Wealth seals your Item Command. Yes, there will be combat ahead.
So, thinking Altar of Knowledge? Yeah, it is the easy choice. But if you want a challenge, go for one of the others. The Altar of Knowledge is at the southeastern point on the circle, and once activated will give everything a purple tint, and the door behind it can now be opened. Head through and up to the next area.

Pharos - Second Ascent/ Station of Banishment
Enemies: Crusader, Abbadon, Reaver
Guide: If you didn't pick the Altar of Knowledge, then you probably know you'll need to modify your Gambits to compensate. If you did pick the Altar of Knowledge, then you're going to need to get really familiar with your map. And find the location map quickly. Head northeast out to the central ring area, then go back into the side area in the northeast corner. Look for the little U-shaped area, which is a switchback flight of stairs that will take you up to the next level. Head on up.

Pharos - Second Ascent/ Station of Suffering
Enemies: Bune, Crusader, Dragon Lich, Abbadon, Reaver
Guide: From where you appear on this map, head due west, to the northwestern most corner. There you'll find the location map for this area, making the loss of the mini-map more manageable. Don't worry about missing out on treasure if you don't explore all the nooks and crannies in the Second Ascent, just worry about getting out. Your goal now is the stairway to the next level. Head out to the central ring, then go to the southeast corner and head back in, and enter the stairs at the eastern end of the map. A note before you head on, the Dragon Liches here are one of the only places to get Corpse Flies, needed for the Whale Whisker.

Pharos - Second Ascent/ Station of Ascension
Enemies: Crusader, Reaver, Abbadon, Bune, Avenger (Trophy Game)
Guide: Head out to the central ring, then head in again in the northeastern section. You'll have to work your way around the exterior northern hall to get at the stairs to the next floor. Take a look at your map before you set out so you know where to head.

Pharos - Second Ascent/ Reach of the Damned
Guide: No enemies here, just a Save Crystal. And if you've been reading the pillars on your way up, you'll enjoy this one. They think pretty highly of themselves. Anyway, head to the southwestern corner and up the stairs to the next area.

Pharos - Second Ascent/ The Bounds of Truth
Enemies: Fenrir, Undin Entite
Guide: If you remember the structure of the rooms below, you know what's coming. Head north along the path and before you enter the door, equip Argyle Armlets and cast Shell along with your usual buffs.

Strategy: With the mini-map gone, this is an easy battle. Wail might inflict Blind, but with the Argyle Armlets on, you're safe. He mostly just attacks and like to cast Bravery, so Dispel it and he'll spend most of the battle trying to re-cast it. Haste and Bravery on your side, you'll tear through him in no time.

Guide: Head on out into the next area. Ah... an Entite. You know what? It's time to stop running. You're a big boy now, level 50's (or 60's maybe?) You can start taking on Entites. This one is Water-element, so when you get through its Reflect, hit it with Firaga. (Granted, it might not even show up.) Find the Altar you activated below and activate it again, returning the crystal to it. FINALLY, AN ELEVATOR. You only had to walk up 66 Floors. Not bad eh? Hop on, and head to the 67th Floor. Reference time, this elevator bears a striking resemblence to the elevator in Lindblum Grand Castle from FF9.

Pharos - Second Ascent/ Reach of the Occult
Guide: A welcome Save Crystal, and a Way Stone to take you on to the next area. Success!

Final Fantasy XII - 35 - The Pharos at Ridorana - First Ascent

Overview: The coming area is massive. Massive doesn't really cover it actually, but it gets close. I mean... think the ascent of the Shinra building in FF 7, except you don't skip floors 1 through 65. Anyway, you'll want to tackle this place with a heavy supply of Remedies and X-Potions, and probably some MP healing items (or Syphon). Have three of any accessory the blocks a status effect is wise, and you can gain serious levels (or LP) with three Embroidered Tippets (or Golden Amulets if you haven't finished the License Board yet) Good Luck.

Pharos - First Ascent/ They Who Thirst Not
Enemies: Hydro
Guide: As you approach the western end of the area, Hydro attacks.

Strategy: Hydro likes to inflict a few different status effects, but Sap is his favorite. Also, he likes to use Fear to drain the party's MP, sometimes. I've gone through whole battles where he's never cast Fearga, other times he casts it constantly, you'll just have to wait and see. If you purchased the Holy Lance, equip it to take advantage of his weakness to Holy-element. Keep a Remedy Gambit on hand to deal with the rest of the side effects he inflicts. Also, despite his obvious undead... ness, he's not susceptible to the trick of damaging with healing items or spells. If you don't have a Holy Lance, you can inflict Oil on him and get your mage casting Firaga, and he can be Slowed and Confused which can buy you some time to rebuff and heal if you need to.

Guide: After the battle you can head back and save, or mount the stairs and watch the cutscene. I like the implication that Vaan can't read.

Pharos - First Ascent/ The Wellspring
Guide: Okay, there's a lot to take in at first. The giant pillar of water is... exciting to say the least. Also, you may notice the floor counter that appears below your minimap. Yup, starting at the bottom. There's a Way Stone in the middle of this area, but it's inactive. There's a Teleport Crystal to your left from the entrance, and due east from the entrance is a little word of warning to any unwelcome guests. If you follow the path around the central void you'll find an Altar of the Night, and it tells you to bring it the black orbs that are sometimes dropped by enemies. A lot to take in, yeah? If you feel you didn't come quite item prepared, use the Teleport Crystal to head back to civilization and grab some Remedies and X-Potions. Ready? Let's start small. Head south into the next area.

Pharos - First Ascent/ Wellspring Labyrinth
Enemies: Chimera Brain, Mimeo, Mistmare
Treasure: In the western end of this area you may find two chests that might have a White Mask and a Crystal Shield.
Guide: So, lots of new enemies, and as you fight them, you might notice that they leave behind little black-blue orbs floating in the air where they were defeated. Make sure to collect these. The paths here can be confusing, but your first goal is to reach the southern hallway that's separated from the two level room by a colonnade. You'll have to head through the rooms at the southeastern end of the map, then swing around. here, you'll find the location map for this area. Take a look. Pretty big? And this is the First Ascent. There's three in all. Head north and pass through all the areas here, collecting Black Orbs. There's a doorway in the southeastern corner that allows you to get into a portion of the Wellspring you can't access from the main area. Head in and use one of your Black Orbs at the Altar of the Night. It will tell you the first seal has been broken. Head back into the Labyrinth and head north. You'll pass a door called Threshold of the Night that you can't open. Don't worry about it just yet. In the northeastern area there's another door back into the Wellspring. Head in, and use another Black Orb at the Altar of the Night, then head back into the Labyrinth and head east until you've come full circle and can exit back into the Wellspring proper. Head to the south and give a final Black Orb to the Altar of the Night and it will tell you the seal is broken. Head back to the Threshold of the night and enter.

Pharos - First Ascent/ Dunes of Profaning Wind
Enemies: Pandaemonium
Guide: Bet you weren't expecting that, eh? You appear in a place that looks a lot like the Sandsea. There are a lot of weird rock formations around, but if you approach them, you get warped back to the start of the area. Hmm. You should head to the right, towards the slightly lighter rock formation. When you near, it stirs!

Strategy: Three things will get you through this battle with ease: Three Argyle Armlets, Three Fuzzy Miters, and Aeroga. Your mage should be on Foe: wind-weak - Aeroga, and you should keep an eye on his spell warnings. When he prepares Flash, equip everyone with Argyle Armlets, when he readies Stonegaze, switch to Fuzzy Miters. Also, casting Berserk on Reddas will turn him into a monster damage dealer.
At about 40% HP he'll bring up a Perfect Defense, immune to phsyical and magical damage, so re-buff, heal, and wait. When it drops, finish him off.

Guide: After defeating Pandaemonium, you'll be returned to the room you thought you were entering, and told the magicks binding the Way Stone have faded. Head back to the main part of The Wellspring and Save, then take the Way Stone to the next area.

Pharos - First Ascent/ Wellspring Ravel - 1st Flight
Enemies: Chimera Brain, Brainpan, Aeronite
Guide: You appear on the 10th Floor. Head out of the initial room and read the pillar. Essentially what it's trying to tell you is that Brainpans = Bridges, so whenever you see some, kill them and they create new paths. Head north from the starting point and approach the wall. You'll notice it's a Fool's Facade that you can go through and get a chest. Next, head east from the starting point and kill the two Brainpans sitting before the first span. When you walk over it, it becomes a solid platform. Continue down the path as it heads east. As you climb the stairs you'll encounter a Brainpan, and at the top, on the 14th Floor, another, sitting in front of a partial bridge. It won't be enough to reach the next area, so head up the stairs to the right. Kill the two Brainpans on the 15th Floor, then head back down and across the new bridge to reach a long flight of stairs. Climb these to reach the next area.

Pharos - First Ascent/ Wellspring Ravel - 2nd Flight
Enemies: Chimera Brain, Brainpan, Aeronite
Treasure: Beyond the Deidar bridge in this area you can find a Holy Rod.
Guide: Climb the stairs until you reach the 20th Floor, where you'll find a Brainpan. There's another in the small rooms behind him, so don't over look the second. Then, climb the stairs heading west to take out a third Brainpan. As you climb further, you might notice a wall to your left. If you approach, it will turn out to be another facade you can pass through, useful to remember for later. Keep heading up the stairs. At the 25th Floor, you'll run into three more Brainpans, and killing them will complete the bridge to the next section. You may notice, on the other side of the bridge, a gap, and a chest you can't reach. You'll have to get that later. Keep climbing, and at the 27th Floor, you'll reach the exit to the next area.

Pharos - First Ascent/ Wellspring Ravel - 3rd Flight
Enemies: Brainpan, Aeronite, Deidar, Chimera Brain
Treasure: Beyond the first Deidar bridge is a Dueling Mask, then beyond another Deidar bridge is a chest that with a Diamond Armlet, will be a Murasama, and without will be a Zeus Mace.
Guide: Head up the stairs to the 29th Floor and kill two Brainpans, then continue up. At the crossroad, head north to the Fool's Facade at the top of the stairs. Behind it is a chest. Then head south and go through the Ancient Door and kill the Brainpan behind it, then head to the end of the southern hall and kill a fourth Brainpan. Now head up the eastern path. At the top is a Diedar and two Brainpans. I recommend turning off your Gambits and killing the Brainpans. If you kill the Diedar, one of the portions of the bridge you're making disappears. In this case, there's an extra Brainpan so it doesn't matter, it's mostly there to teach you that Deidars destroy the paths you're making. On the 32nd Floor, there's a Brainpan and Deidar, just avoid the Deidar end of the platform and it hopefully won't wake up. At the 34th Floor you'll run into another set of Brainpans. Head north up the stairs and you'll see the large gap you're trying to fill in. Travel around the square area here killing all the Brainpans. You'll notice a new Brainpan when you come back to the start of the square. Keep moving around the square until you have the bridge built, then head across. There will be a small platform just before the exit to the next area, and a gap that looks like it needs a bridge. Head back and you'll find a Deidar at the square area. Once all the bridges in an area becomes solid, you can kill Deidars to reach new areas with treasure. But don't kill Brainpans while you're working on Deidar bridges. Kill three Deidars then head across the through the Fool's Facade. Here you'll find a treasure chest and another gap that needs a bridge. You might have to leave the map and return to get more Deidars to appear, but usually the Brainpans stop attacking once all of their bridges are completed. Once you're done with the two Deidar bridges, you could head back to the 2nd Flight and complete that Deidar bridge, then head back up.

Pharos - First Ascent/ Wellspring Ravel - 4th Flight
Enemies: Brainpan, Deidar, Chimera Brain
Guide: Head up the stairs, completely avoiding the Deidars here, there are no Deidar bridges you want to make. If Reddas becomes too much of a problem, attacking Deidars, kill him and turn off your Phoenix Down Gambits. At the 40th Floor you'll reach a series of chambers, head inside and kill the Brainpans but avoid another dastardly Deidar. After you're finished there head west and upwards, more Brainpans and Deidars to deal with. Don't miss the Brainpan on the 46th Floor, in the first chambers. On the 47th Floor you'll come across the first the bridge you've been making. They put plenty of extra Brainpans here just in case you killed all the Deidars as well. Head up the stairs from the bridge and into the next area.

Pharos - First Ascent/ Horizon's Break
Guide: Ah, a quiet Save area. After saving, head south and enter the side area to reach the exit.

Pharos - First Ascent/ Horizon's Cusp
Enemies: Slyt
Guide: Head up the stairs and you'll reach an Ancient Door. Second guardian eh? Set up some Foe: fire-weak - Firaga Gambits, and the usual Haste/Protect/Bravery/Bubble. When you enter, you're transported to a marsh area. There's only one path, follow it and the battle begins.

Strategy: The most important thing to do in this battle is fight Slyt over the ground in the middle of the area. Over the water he has damage resistance, and can hit more frequently. Over the land this boss can be killed very quickly, but over water he halves damage and has Regen. Get him to target a party member, then hit flee and bring your whole party to the edge of the island opposite him. He'll float to the middle of the island to come attack you, then let go of R2 and start attacking.
While it's not needed, you can Oil him, and take advantage of his already Water-element weakness and do massive damage that way too. Either way, not the hardest boss.

Guide: When you're done with the fishies, head on east to the Way Stone and warp to the next area.